One of Sher's begonias
Pepper from the garden
Tomato plant
One of Sher's begonias
Pepper from the garden
Tomato plant
This is a car I saw in Minneapolis.
This is in Paris
This is in London- it may be my favorite picture from there.
Fred and Sher were cooking meatloaf from Gram and some potatoes from Billie. It smelled good but I didn't have any.
The mud and tape is done and the walls are textured. Sherry can start painting tomorrow if she wants! They also had a guy come in and give some estimates on laying flooring. The actual floor estimates should be in soon too.
Speaking of floors, has anyone laid those sticky vinyl floor tiles? We're wondering how difficult it is because Sher wants some in the main bathroom.
Speaking of bathrooms, the vanity that we picked up last weekend is not the right configuration, so that will need to be returned. Oh well, it was worth a try.
Speaking of cupboards, here's the wall unit in the main bath.
Here's a slightly easier to read view.
Fred crawling under the table to change the cords to plug in the tv box.
A mudded and taped wall
One of the spots that Fred patched
A spot where Fred put in bits of drywall
A spot where the bottom of the cupboard need to be put back
Fred and Sher's looking from the former railroad bridge. This is a good shot of the now longer sandbar.
Looking upriver from the same bridge.
New drywall in the guest room.
Sara putting up some sort of thingy that went under the drywall. I think we call them 'scraps'. If I am guessing right, these were necessary in some areas where there were previously 2 layers of wall for some reason.
This was what the Union Boss called "break time"
These are bad pictures of a flooring samples, just to prove that we did look at floors.
And finally, in the most exciting news of the day, my car hit 10,000 miles and I actually noticed!
Fred got a couple more tomatoes and peppers from the Brights. These have actual tomatoes and peppers on them! We have a chance of a garden veg during official summer.
Now that I ponder things, this may turn out to be a banner garden year after all. As the plants that people have been bringing are at varying stages of development, Fred may well have the longest producing veggie season in town!
Peppers and 'maters-
There was a large flock (gaggle? covey? herd?) of turkey vultures (buzzards?) right overhead. Fred counted 16.
Tomorrow it's more insulation for Fred. Sher and I are off to look at floors and appliances.
(And yes, I am trying to set a record for the most instances of the word 'insulation' in a blog post that's not specifically describing the installation or manufacturing of insulation.)